Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Just some reference Notation I found on Footwork and uses from either the Chinese Kenpo Federation or stuff taught to me by Sifu James Chen.

Step and Slide - Equal Distance slides forward, back, and side to side. Be sure to slide. (Experimented and done with Karate, Wing Chun, Boxing and Muay Thai Movements.)
Push Step and Slide -  Equal Distance push off wit your back leg forward. (Usually done in the traditional Wing Chun stance, Back heel raised ever so slightly and 90 degress away from your opponent.) Good to incorperate it with a side kick or boxing punches.
Side Step - Left or right slide movement. Self Explainitory.
Heel and Toe Sway - Very Slight movement forward and back. Just like Push Step and slide but no sliding. Good to incorperate it with a side kick or boxing punches.
Curving Sidesteps - Same as side step but back legs moves left or right. Turn to face your opponent.
Rock and Shuffle - Stay on the balls of the feet and bounce back forth. Practice often for balance training due to weak balance as you first start doing it. Good for throwing off your opponent when he's trying to read your moments. For example of it used in JKD see Bruce Lee in Way of the Dragon.
Fencing Stance - Low stance with your feet a few inchs more apart then the traditional Karate or Tae Kwon Do Strong Stance. Good for intercepting and reposte's. Never stay in position too long due to limitations on the lower body.
V-Step or Triangle in Step - Step forward, back left and side step right (or Step foward, Back right and step right) Good to combine with some bobbing and weaving.
Bob in left - Slip the Jab or hook and go for the body all while moving to threat.
Bob in right - Slip the Jab or hook and go for the body all while moving to threat.

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