Sunday, March 7, 2010


Some people always get my name confused... Of course, Kensei is referred to as a swordsmen. Someone who is a master of the sword. In Traditional Japanese, Kensei means literally, "Sword Saint." If you go to a different dialect of Japanese, meaning Okinawan... Ken literally means "Fist." So Kensei in Okinawan means, "Fist Saint or Saint of Fists." So thats my Kensei, The Okinawan meaning. The most ironic thing of all is that after that summer of calling myself Kensei an anime by the name of Kenichi, Histories Strongest Disciple came into view with two characters named Kensei. It sorta made me laugh. Why do all my nicknames have to be anime related? =P

But back to the Kensei topic... It's funny how this came along. I was training at the CKF one day around 2004, and a kid who Sifu let join us that day fought me. The kumite ended at 2 minutes and he won by a few unorthadox moves I've never seen before. Not to mention, he hit hard as if he wasn't wearing gloves. Anywho, we got to talking and he told me about his Goju-ryu Okinawan Karate background and how he admired my spark so he called me, Kensei, for my quick movements and the fact that I told him my views on violence... He never did come back to our studio again. Mostly because of he was looking for something less sporty. Pity since I liked him. He was pretty awesome.


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